Frequently Asked Questions

Do you charge by the day?
No we do not charge by the day. We charge by the hog. A hunt costs
$150 and you hunt until you kill. If you hunt and never kill anything
you still owe $150 + lodging for how ever many days you've spent.
How many hunters can I bring with me?
10 is the maximum number of hunters you can bring on your first
hunt with us.
Do you rent weapons?
No we do not rent weapons. You will need to bring your own
weapon. Preferably a rifle that is sighted in and you are familiar with.
How many hogs can I shoot?
As many as your budget will allow. After your first hog additional
hogs are simply a $1 a pound live weight.
I have a hard time walking, handicapped, or
in wheelchair can you accomodate me?
We have had many successful hunts for folks with limited
mobility. If you can handle pulling the trigger we can do the
rest of the work for you.
I have never been hunting before/ I am a
single parent wanting to get my child into
hunting. Can you take me/us hunting?
Yes if we have a specialty its with first time and youth
hunters. We have had countless numbers of first time hunters
take their first animals here at the ranch. We really enjoy
working with youth and getting them into hunting.
Are these hogs really as mean as they say they
are on TV?
Yes and no. Are they going to seek you out and hunt you down just
walking to your stand? 999 X out of 1000 No. Will they charge you and
hurt you if pushed into a corner and wounded? Very much so. They
are very wild animals and have razor sharp tusks they can be very
dangerous and can hurt you very badly if given the opportunity. In
the past 10 years, we have not had a hunter have an accident with an
wild hog. However, our guides do get charged by hogs on a weekly
basis. We do our very best to provide a very safe, yet exciting hunting
What is the closest airport to fly into?
We prefer to use Houston IAH, but it is the same distance to the
ranch from D/FW. We do not offer airport pick up. There is a small
landing strip nearby for your private plane.
Why don't you allow .223/556/300BLK?
We have a very poor recovery rate with these calibers. Our hogs are
big, mean and tough. They can be hard to take down. The bigger the
gun, the better! We are currently having trouble with .300 Black Out
and not recovering shot hogs. The .223 parent case just doesn't pack
enough punch.
What kind of fishing do we have?
Bass, channel catfish, bream & crappie
Do you offer any discounts or package hunts?
No. We offer the lowest cost but highest quality of a hunt that you
will find of this kind. We offer no discounts of any kind.
However, we do not charge for lodging of school aged children.
(12th grade and lower)
Only adults pay lodging fees. Kid's stay free with hunting parents.
What predators or varmints do you have?
Most varmints you'll see while hunting include: skunks, opossums,
raccoons, armadillo. Predators include: fox, bobcat and coyotes.
Are there places to donate my meat I don't
want to take it home?
Yes. There are always families and places in need of meat that are
happy to receive it.
Is there a taxidermist you recommend in the
area if by chance I shoot a hog I want to have
Yes we have several in the area we recommend.
Can I bring non-hunting guests (wife,
daughters, etc.)?
Yes. We are a family operated outfitter that enjoys families in the
outdoors. Our non-hunter fee is simply the lodging fee of $25 per
person per night.
Do you provide meals?
We do not provide meals. There are several good restaurants nearby.
There are also caterers in Centerville for larger groups that may need
this service.
Do you do corporate trips?
Yes we do several corporate trips and retreats yearly.
Can I bring my atv?
Yes, but it isn't needed. We supply our hunters with transportation in
and out of the field.
Do you provide meals?
We do not provide meals. There are several good restaurants nearby.
There are also caterers in Centerville for larger groups that may need
this service.